Hardware Acceleration Spotify App

What is Spotify hardware acceleration ? Well, if you’re not sure about what it is, then read on to learn more about it. If you have been navigating into the deep settings of Spotify, you have probably seen this feature.

Spotify Premium: What does 'Enable hardware acceleration' under Playback options do? I've searched around but haven't really been able to find a good answer to this. In the Spotify Windows client, what does the 'hardware acceleration' actually do for playback? Here’s how to turn off hardware acceleration – Open up your account settings and scroll down to the bottom and then click on ‘ Show Advanced Settings ‘. Then find the subsection ‘ Compatibility ‘ and turn off hardware acceleration and then restart the Spotify app and check if music is playing.

It’s not exactly Spotify hardware acceleration. It comes in as Enable hardware acceleration. If you want to know more about it, keep on reading.

Contents Guide

Part 1. What Is Spotify Hardware Acceleration

You have probably seen a hardware acceleration option when using various applications and devices. There are times when you may even have had to enable or disable it to boost performance or prevent bugs in one of your favorite applications.

If you have a strong CPU, it’s a good idea to utilize other components in your system. That is where hardware acceleration comes into play. Hardware acceleration can be utilized to allow higher quality playback.

In some cases, you might have to disable it because hardware acceleration doesn't always work as smoothly as it should. Even if your CPU is strong enough but other components aren’t, then you might have to disable hardware acceleration. Hardware acceleration may be ineffective.

First of all, open Spotify Settings by clicking on the Down Arro w button on the top bar. Now scroll down and click on Show Advanced Settings button. Scroll down and find Compatibility Settings. Under it, you will find an option named “Enable Hardware Acceleration”. But if hardware acceleration was not the reason for Spotify running slowly, then you should keep it on, as it greatly enhances your Spotify experience. Go ahead and turn off the hardware acceleration option, by going into your settings like shown below and see if you notice Spotify running faster now. You can follow the steps to disable it to see if you can fix the Spotify black screen issue. Open Spotify and go to the settings window. Scroll down and click ' Show Advanced Settings '. Find the option ' Enable Hardware Acceleration ' under the ' Compatibility ' tab and switch the button off. Had a similar issue with Spotify, but it was resolved when I turned off hardware acceleration in Spotify. I was able to make SourceTree display correct if Idisabled my Intel HD Graphics and used the standard motherboard-graphics, but then I am limited to one, poor resolution so that is not an option. Using the hardware acceleration feature with Spotify on the desktop helps weaker hardware in your computer. However, toggling on this setting might actually create a poor listening experience by causing songs to skip, lag, or not play at all. Turning off this feature may solve song-playing errors.

The Spotify hardware acceleration is a feature that comes with both the free and paid versions of the said app.

How to Find the Hardware Acceleration Feature in Spotify

As previously mentioned, the hardware acceleration feature is hidden deep in the Settings of Spotify. The steps below will show you how to find it.

Spotify App Slow

Step 1. Launch Your Spotify App

Launch the Spotify App. Once it’s launched on your computer, take your cursor to the far top, right-hand corner of the screen. Click on your profile.

Step 2. Select Settings

Once you have clicked on your profile, a drop-down menu will appear Select Settings from the drop-down list.

Step 3. Go to Advanced Settings

Scroll down the Settings page and look for Advanced Settings. Once you see it, click on it.

Step 4. Manage Enable Hardware Acceleration

Once you have expanded your Spotify Settings, scroll down the page until you see Enable hard acceleration. You will see it under Compatibility. Once you see it, you can manage it by either sliding the toggle to the left to disable it or sliding it to the right to enable it.

Part 2. Three Ways to Level Up Your Spotify Experience

While it’s pretty easy to manage the hardware acceleration feature of Spotify. To start with, you would have to make sure your hardware is up to it. If you’re not sure about your hardware and you want to play it safe, then you’re better off leaving the hardware acceleration feature of Spotify alone. Three ways to level up your Spotify experience without having to deal with the hardware acceleration feature of Spotify. Read on to learn more about them.

Option #1. Set Volume Normalization

Instead of dealing with the hardware acceleration feature of Spotify, you can just set the Volume Normalization of Spotify.

Step 1. Go to Settings

Launch your Spotify app. Take your cursor to your profile and click on it. Then select Settings from the drop-down list.

Step 2. Click on Playback

Once you’re inside Settings, look for Playback and click on it. Once you do, you will be able to find something critical to your audio quality.

Hardware Acceleration Spotify App

Step 3. Choose Volume Level

The one element that’s critical to your audio quality is the Volume level. You will find this once you click on Playback. There are three different kinds of volume levels, and they are loud, normal, and quiet. To have the best audio quality, choose quiet.

Option #2. Preset Unplayable Tracks

Hardware acceleration spotify ios

The availability of songs on Spotify depends on where you are in the world. You might find some songs greyed out in your Spotify account, which could be quite annoying. The steps below will show you how you could preset these unplayable tracks on your playlist. Check out the steps below to see how you can do it to level your Spotify experience.

Step 1. Launch your Spotify account

Launch your Spotify account and look for a song that’s greyed out. Right-click on the greyed-out song and copy the URL of the song.

Step 2. Search for the URL or URI

Enter the URL or the URI for the greyed-out t song into the Spotify search. Press enter and you will see the song greyed-out on the list.

Step 3. Right-Click on the Greyed-Out Song

Even if the song is greyed-out, Spotify will still allow you to left-click on it. Left-click on it and drag the greyed-out song to a playlist on the left panel. That way, you can preset that song on that playlist so that when it’s finally available, you get to hear it at once.

Option #3. Stream Spotify Music in High-Quality Format

You can stream Spotify music in the highest audio resolution without having to deal with the hardware acceleration. The steps below will show the simple steps to stream Spotify music in a high-quality format.

Step 1. Access to Settings

Launch your Spotify app. Take your cursor to your profile and click on it. A drop-down list will appear. Select Settings.

Step 2. Open Settings

Open the Settings on Spotify. Scroll down until you see Music Quality. Click on it. Music quality is for streaming and for downloading.

Step 3. Select on Very High

Once you’re inside Music Quality, you will notice that your Streaming is on Automatic mode and your Download is on Normal mode. Both of these modes are recommended. If you want to level up your Spotify experience, choose very high for Streaming.

Part 3. Conclusion

In summation, if you enable the hardware acceleration feature in Spotify, the said app would have to use the following pieces in your hardware, which are the motherboard, CPU, sound card. That could take a toll on your computer. You are better off leaving it alone, disabled. If you want to enhance your listening experience with Spotify, resolve to other ways that do not require you to deal with hardware acceleration. If you want to listen to Spotify songs without premium, you can try to download the DumpMedia Spotify Music Converter that removes DRM protection. You are free to listen to your favorite songs offline anywhere and anytime.

Have you ever had to deal with the hardware acceleration feature of Spotify? Share your experience with our readers.

Hearing background noise on my recordings.

Make sure Spytify successfully muted all applications in the Volume Mixer while recording. Only Spotify and Spytify should not be muted.

Cracking/popping sounds may come from :

  • Cracking sounds can be heard while playing songs on Spotify and ends up being recorded to the recording file.
  • Can be caused by your computer using a low consumption power plan settings that reduces the cpu max performance and impacts at the same time the audio encoding.

Isolate Spotify audio to a different audio endpoint device.

By using the Spytify setting Audio Device, you can move Spytify to a different audio endpoint (install virtual audio cable if you need another one) and use the Windows 10 setting to move Spotify to the same audio endpoint.

  • Press Windows key and type Sound mixer options, you should land on the setting page titled App volume and device preferences.
  • Make sure Spotify is playing and set the app to the desired endpoint using the Output select list.
  • Restart Spotify. Spotify and Spytify should now be isolated from any undesired sound.

If you can’t find the Windows 10 setting, try the section Windows 10 Settings 🡂 System 🡂 Sound, scroll down to the Advanced sound options 🡂 App volume and device preferences setting.

Keep the same order that the playlist for your recordings.

The recording order number option 017_Artist_-_Title.mp3 is useful if you want to burn songs to CDs and that your MP3 player, like those in cars, orders songs by filename. You will get a CD with songs ordered in the same order than the album or the one shown by Spotify. If it’s a playlist, order it first on Spotify before recording it.

Maximize audio quality in Spotify.

Using Spotify desktop app, click on your profile and go to your settings.

In Music Quality section you will find:

  • Streaming quality should be set to Very High (or High with Spotify Free).
  • Normalize Volume should be turned on.

Click on Show advanced settings:

  • Turn off Crossfade songs in the Playback section.
  • Turn off Allow smooth transitions between songs in a playlist in Automix section.
  • Turn on Enable hardware acceleration in Compatibility section.

If you want to avoid recording suggested songs by Spotify when the music ends.

  • Turn off Autoplay similar songs when your music ends in Autoplay section.

Hardware Acceleration Spotify App Download

Don’t forget to max out the Spotify volume bar inner-app (bottom-right corner).

Media tags and album cover are not always found (Switch to Spotify API).

You can switch between last.fm API to Spotify API (still in development but can be set in the spytify.exe.config file).

Open a text editor and follow these steps to enable the gathering of MP3 media info from Spotify:

  • Go to Spotify Developer Dashboard
  • Register a new local application, e.g.:
    • App or Hardware Name: spotify
    • App or Hardware Description: none
    • What are you building?: i don’t know
  • Click on the new spotify application that you created and click on Edit the settings
  • Set ‘Redirect URI’ with the value ‘http://localhost:4002’, add and save it.
  • On the spotify app dashboard, copy these info:
    • The ‘Client ID’
    • The ‘Client Secret’ (click on ‘Show Client Secret’)
  • Paste the ids in the spytify.exe.config file at theses lines

Multiple channels audio endpoint not supported.

Multi channels audio endpoint device are not supported when encoding to MP3, it must be stereo or mono channels. You can change an audio endpoint channels configuration by:

  • Typing Sound Settings in Windows menu
  • On the right side bar, use the link Sound Control Panel
  • Find and select your audio endpoint device in the list
  • Click on Configure
  • Make sure Stereo channels is selected, otherwise select it, then applies the changes.

Spotify only plays a bit of a track, it stops playing it after some seconds.

Spotify looks for local music files before playing a track. If it finds one matching the metadata of the current song, it will play the local one instead. Cut track means that you started recording this track once and you ended the session too early. Just delete these incomplete tracks in your music directory to solve your issue. You can display local files in your Spotify Desktop app settings in the Local File section with the toggle Show Local Files.

Hardware Acceleration Spotify App Install

Tracks are detected as an ad.

Hardware Acceleration Spotify Reddit

Podcast, audio book and any other uncommon track type are detected as an ad. Also, Spotify doesn’t return to Spytify the right info when you switch between radios, playlists and albums, resulting in a track detected as an ad. If this happens, replay the current song, if this happens too often, create a playlist of the songs you want to save and play it.

Tracks overlap at the ends of recorded tracks.

Use Audacity (a free editor for audio files) to cut the audio section that you want to remove and export it back to the same audio type.Sometimes, Spotify doesn’t provide the current track info in time resulting in these results. Also, you may have better results after tweaking Spotify settings.